Sunday, February 10, 2013

Staying on track

The question we have to ask ourselves is, "Are our lives generally positive and productive?" I'm not saying we need to be happy all the time, that's unrealistic. What I am saying is: We must be sure our lives are on target.
Often we get so tied up in earning a living and caring for family that we have no life of our own. In any partnership, the partners must grow together, but we must also grow as individuals.  Many people devote themselves totally to the earning a living. That's important, but I ask you,"Is yours a balanced and fulfilling life?" 

On this river of life, take time to pull out on the bank, lay in the sun and think about what you want to accomplish. Is your life in balance? Are you staying in contact with friends and do you do those things that are important to you as an individual. We cannot be happy and satisfied unless you can find that balance. Our lives can be out of balance for a short time, but bad things happen when we stay out of balance too long.

We must ask ourselves:

1. What would happen to me if I lost my partner?
2. What would happen if I lost my job
3. Where do I want my life to go? 
4. Am I on track to reaching my goals?

If you can't answer those questions satisfactorily, you need to figure out what changes you need to make.  My daughter Lynn told me I'm good at multitasking and she has to focus on one thing at a time. Each of us works in a different way. In my case, my mom used to tell me I was a jack of all trades and a master of none. I think she's right. It's a curse of having so many interests. But, it's been a fun life, and while I've made a few bad decisions, I'm generally satisfied that I've accomplished some good things. I'm on track to continue to do so. That's all any of us can do. I learned from my son how important it is to do our very best every day and to make sure each day carries us closer to our ultimate goals.

So far as multi-tasking is concerned, No one can do more than one thing at a time effectively.  Clearly define your projects and what must be done to keep them on track.  Then focus on one at a time.  Define how much time you need to spend on each project each day.  Then, block out the time you need to spend on each project each day and then focus all you energy on that one thing you have to do at that time.

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